Monday, February 17, 2014

Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are very common here; almost all women have hair extensions. They keep their hair short and then they simply braid/weave in their different hair extensions or styles. These hair extensions are also often colored with colors like blond (the only natural color), red, blue, green, purple, yellow, orange, and pink. Women living in cities and villages alike use hair extensions almost all of the time. Just like women in the States change their hair style, women here change out their hair extensions. Many people ask me if I use hair extensions because I have long hair and when I tell them that I do not have them they suggest I try it. I have heard however that if you have long hair then it is expensive and takes a very long time to braid the styles in. I might try it at some point but I would probably but my hair a bit first. I had wanted to try to use this time to grow my hair out though. We’ll see.

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