Saturday, April 12, 2014


I have   started exercising, well running. I run about four times a week. I am really enjoying it and it makes me feel better. It is something to look forward to and to get up for in the morning when I don’t have anything else to get up for. I used to go and run at 6am but now I have moved it to 5am because it is still dark and there are no other people out yet. Running this early greatly reduces the number of people who stare at me, and if they are staring at me, I do not see as much of it because it is darker.

                I have rules though for myself since I do go running before the sun comes up. Rules: the power must be working so that there are street lights, there has to be at least a quarter moon for extra light, and if I ever have a bad feeling about it or get nervous because of people on my way to the field, I go home. I have gotten used to when people start to move around and what they should be doing if they are moving around very early. So far I have not really been nervous about anything because people are almost always doing typical sorts of things, like getting their car ready for passengers to Dschang.

                I am really glad that I started working out, or as they say here “making sport”. It has greatly improved my mood and my overall outlook on being here!

  The sun coming up over the mountains, as seen from the football (soccer) field.

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