Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Projects for World Malaria Month

World Malaria Month is over now and I am very happy with what I was able to do for my part in the fight against malaria! I was ale to work with many different people and groups over the past two months on a variety of projects. I was able, with the help of some of my fellow volunteers, to complete a survey of more than 270 people in Bamenda on their experience with malaria; teach the Grassroot Soccer SKILLZ Malaria curriculum for more than 120 students in three levels of Primary school; sensitize more than 140 people on malaria and what they can do to protect themselves and their families; train more than 52 teachers and health care workers on malaria transmission and prevention, bed net care and repair, net transformation, and net beautification; hold eight malaria-themed art and story contests in which more than 150 children participated; and spread awareness of malaria in Cameroon to people in the United States through various social medias and with the help of my friends and family back home!

I have been enjoying my time here in Peace Corps Cameroon but sometimes I wonder if I am really making a difference in people's lives. Over these past two months I have felt so rewarded and  appreciated by the people with whom I have worked. It was wonderful to work with people who wanted to learn and improve their lives. I'm glad that I was able to do all of this and I am excited for what projects may be next!
Net care and repair TOT with teachers.

Grassroot Soccer with Primary 4 Class.

Grassroot Soccer with Primary 5 Class.

Grassroot Soccer with Primary 6 Class.

Malaria sensitization with Mbororo community.

Net hanging in my community.

Malaria-themed art and story contests.

Malaria lesson with youth group.

Mosquito net care TOT with health care workers.

Mosquito net care and repair TOT.

Mosquito net repair.

Mosquito net transformation TOT.

Mosquito net beautification TOT.

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