Sunday, September 15, 2013

So, I am finally here after literally 48 hours of traveling. I have been in Cameroon and Yaounde (the capitol) since 10:30pm Friday night. I was so out of it as I was traveling that I did not even realize that it was Friday the 13th. Luckily I did not seem to have any bad luck seeing as I arrived just fine!
  My training group was picked up at the airport by the Cameroon Country Director. She and the staff with her were very kind and helpful. They definitely made the whole process more manageable and relaxed. We got to the hotel in a crowded bus, there are 55 trainees after all. We got our luggage to our rooms, with not too much difficulty. I am on the sixth floor and there is no elevator. We were very fortunate however to have some of the porters from the hotel help us. It was amazing seeing them lift even the heaviest bags like it was no trouble and then almost literally run up the stairs with them. I am not sure we could have done it without them, at least not in such a short amount of time!
   The hotel that we are staying at is fairly nice! I have been able to take warm showers each morning since I arrived. The water does cut in and out though due to the demands on the system with all of us here. When the water does go out it goes out on the top floors first. I am not on the top most floor but I am pretty close. I just have to choose low demand times to shower, it has worked out so far!
   Last night we went to an interactive African dance show. The dances were traditional Cameroonian dances and we were allowed to get up and dance with the dancers! I learned quite a bit actually, the dances are very different from the Ballet that I am used to doing. I really did like the drums though; the rhythms were so complex and very fun to dance to!
   As I said at the beginning of this, I mean this blog to be mostly pictures so that you can see what I am seeing. The problem with that is that my camera died last night. I am not sure how long it will take to fix or replace. I have taken a few pictures which I hope to upload soon though. Until then I suppose I can just keep talking at you!

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