Thursday, January 22, 2015

Importance of Appearance and Standards for Americans

     In Cameroon it is important to always look your best. People, no matter what they do for a living, always dress their best. It is important to do this because it is a sign of respect to the people you interact with that day, including the people that you greet on the road. Along with looking your best your shoes should be clean, spotless is ideal. It is especially important to be clean and presentable in business settings. Cameroonians, and now me as well, clean off their shoes with a cloth or tissue before entering an office building, or almost any building. I have become very self-conscious about my shoes; I even get frustrated whenever they get splattered with a few drops of mud! This comes from the cultural value of being clean, well-dressed, and presentable at all times. This is very important for Americans because Cameroonians associate America with money and they assume that Americans have the money to dress well. If an American is not dressed nicely some people think that it might mean that they do not have respect for the people with whom they interact. Needless to say, I have improved my wardrobe so that I can show proper respect, especially since moving to Bamenda and working more regularly at an office. I am American though, so as soon as I get home it's straight into pajamas!

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