Monday, October 21, 2013

My Site-more info

My site is in very north of the South West region. This is an Anglophone region but I have heard the because the village is so close to the West region, which is Francophone, there are many people who speak French and there are also many people who speak English and then some people speak Pidgin. I will probably have to be able to at least hold basic conversations in all of these languages and be able to greet people in whatever the local language is. I won’t know for sure what the local language is until I get there. The South West is bordered by the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the North West region of Cameroon, the West region of Cameroon, and the Littoral region of Cameroon. Bush meat and horse meat are commonly consumed along with more typical meats. !!!There is a special dance done when twins are born and this dance can only be led by twins! Monica, I know what we are going to do when you get here!!!! There is traditional chieftaincy there but there is also a lot of Christianity. And apparently there is quite a bit of Nigerian influence. Also, if a baby pees on you while you are holding it, it is considered a sign of good luck. These are just a few things about the region that could be very general or contain some stereotypes that are not quite true. This is information that was given to me by the trainers in order to prepare me for things that I might encounter.

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